Monday, April 22, 2013

To College Students, from a College Student

Sometimes, it is hard to put yourself in a position where you may fail. A position where you think that you may come out the other side less popular, on the losing team, a little lost in the commotion of life. When in college, it is easy to stick with what you know. The job you work to just get a paycheck, the classes that you know you will get an easy A in, the same plans each Friday night. It’s pretty normal to get content and not take risks.
However, that’s not what I want for the students that come through the Student Outreach Services office here at WWU. I want students here at Western to leave with not only a degree, but a lifetime of knowledge that can only come from making real, raw connections with others and by taking opportunities that may frighten them at first. I believe that learning doesn't just happen in a lecture hall on campus. I believe that learning happens with every activity you partake in, every event you attend, and every new person that you meet. I also believe that a university like Western is the perfect platform for this growth.
The trouble with this idea of growth? Often, allowing oneself to be open to these new experiences is a frightening decision. Why? Because you may fail. That is the honest truth. However, another truth is that you may not fail. You may come out the other side of something with amazing memories, new friends and incredible growth that you never would have found otherwise. If we were to place those two options on a scale, I believe that taking those chances would outweigh the risk of failing, every single time.
So here is my challenge to you: College is the one place in life where, as cheesy as this is, the world really is your oyster. So, go out and make those connections. Meet new people who may have to ability change your vision. Seek out new experiences that leave you pondering deep questions. Have a few adventures that will create a lifetime of memories. The willingness to open yourself up for those adventures and opportunities is as simple as getting in the metaphorical car and joining along for the ride. Once you make that first step, the excitement, learning and growth fall right into place.  
My goal for you is to make the most of your time here at Western. Go and take those opportunities for failure. Find those moments to connect with people and make the most of them. Go out, open yourself up to the unknown, and take some risks that may end up in failure. The beauty is not in the risks that don’t end up in failure, the beauty is in taking the risk in the first place and the joy that comes along with it.

-Kayla Swallow
WWU Student and TEDxWWU Curator

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain

One TED Talk that has meant a lot to me is Brene Brown's The Power of Vulnerability. This talk emphasizes the connections we make with others, and the level of vulnerability we must put ourselves in in order to make those connections. -Kayla Swallow

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